Professor of Computer Science, Sonoma State / Fall 2023 - Present

SPRING 2024: CS 385 - Blockchain Engineering (Special Topics in Computer Science). Taught students the Ethereum blockchain, Solidity programming, application development and tokenization. Encouraged them to think game theoretically, analyzing both the technical, social, and political context in which their code is deployed, to give them first-hand experience deploying code in an adverserial environment.
FALL 2024: CS 562 - Computing Practice and Programming for Teachers. Introductory programming course with a focus on computer science pedagogy, to help students (local area teachers) obtain their Computer Science Authorization to teach CS in public schools.
Accepted into USC Masters Program / Summer 2023

North Bay Teacher Residency Program / Fall 2022 - Spring 2023

Single Subject Credential in Math, Sonoma State / Fall 2022 - Spring 2023

Single Subject Credential in Mathematics awarded 8/15/2023.
Exited successful startup to pursue teaching / Summer 2022